Join SYSA's eTournament for XBOX!
Good Afternoon, SYSA Families,
We hope that each of you are all in good health during the current pandemic. We miss having all SYSA players, coaches, and families out playing soccer this spring, but remain positive that everyone will back out again, just as soon as it's safe to do so.
To help our players keep in touch with their neighborhood friends and the rest of the SYSA community, SYSA is launching our very first FIFA 20 XBOX eTournament. We hope this will be the first of many in the future, pandemic or not!
We have set up a registration page on Google Docs to collect all relevant participant information.
The registration deadline is APR 22nd (Wednesday). REGISTER HERE
The number of games depends solely on the total number of registrants. If you have an XBOX and the FIFA 20 game, it's easy to get involved. Spread the word to your friends in our soccer community and register today!
The format will be as follows:
-Regional group play based on your neighborhood rec club (3-4 game minimum).
-Winners from group play advance to the "Citywide" knock-out rounds & finals.
-Players will need to contact their opponents (via eMail) and arrange the time of their games.
-All games must be played by a deadline (date will be indicated in the schedule).
-Game results must be recorded by taking a screen shot/photo of the final result and sending it to the Tournament Director (via eMail).
-Open to all ages and skill levels.
For more information, click here.
Let's get playing!